I am a PhD student in Robotic Vision at the Department of Computing, Imperial College London, supervised by Prof. Andrew Davison and Prof. Paul Kelly. My interests are in exploring novel methods for semantic scene understanding and navigation in real-time.

Before joining Imperial I worked in the video games industry developing design tools for games like Blur and James Bond: Bloodstone.

My research is kindly funded by a PhD scholarship from AMD.



26 May 2015: Our startup Surreal Vision Ltd. is now part of Facebook/Oculus VR.
29 April 2015: Our new paper 'ElasticFusion: Dense SLAM Without A Pose Graph', led by Tom Whelan has been accepted for publication at RSS 2015.
1 October 2014: I have successfully defended my PhD and co-founded Surreal Vision Ltd. with Richard and Steve.
10 September 2014: We will be presenting our latest work 'Dense Planar SLAM' with an Oculus Rift demo at ISMAR 2014 in Munich.
25 June 2013: Our new paper on object-level SLAM (SLAM++) will be presented at CVPR 2013 in Portland, Oregon.